Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6


Základní info

This Web Component Development with Servlets JSPs, Java EE 6 training teaches experienced developers of Java technology applications the knowledge and skills to quickly build web applications suited to any Java EE 6 application server using JSP and servlet technologies. Participating in lab exercises gives you experience constructing and deploying the small-to-medium scale web applications found in intranet and low-volume commercial sites.bLearn To:/pescribe web applications, CGI, and the role of Java.nderstand he Java EE 6 technology.evelop JSP pages.mplement an MVC Design.nderstand the servlet lifecycle.escribe and implement four authentication models.mplement asynchronous servlets using the facilities of Java EE 6.onfigure a JSP to use tags from the JSTL.nderstand the role of AJAX-style client side programming.bBenefits to You/py taking this course, you'll be exposed to the current methods for analyzing, designing, developing and deploying web applications with Java technologies. This course is also an excellent method of preparing to take the Oracle Certified Professional, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 JavaServer Pages and Servlet Developer certification examination.bStudents Who Can Benefit from this Course/pava Developers creating web components (such as servlets and custom tags), Java Developers preparing for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 JavaServer Pages and Servlet Developer examination.a href="http://education.oracle.com/education/videos/MiniSSCD/web_component_development_with_servlet_and_JSP_technologies_overview/start.htm" target="_blank"/a

Web Component Development with Servlets & JSPs, Java EE 6

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22 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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