Using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for Reporting in Financials


Základní info

The Using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for Reporting in Financials course provides functional and implementation training for using Business Intelligence (BI) Publishing to perform reporting in the financial applications. Enroll in this solution to learn all aspects of creating, editing, and running financial reports using the tools in BI Publisher including templates and layouts with hands-on help and direction from expert Oracle University instructors.bLearn To:/bnderstand the key features of Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.escribe the components of Oracle BI Publisher.nderstand the report configuration options.reate and edit report layouts using the Layout Editor.efine Templates using the Word Template Builder.nderstand and use the BI Publisher Features.bNote:/bhis course is relevant for any customers using Oracle Fusion Applications through Release The course is beneficial for both Oracle Cloud and On-Premises deployments.

Using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for Reporting in Financials

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12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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