Shell Programming Ed 1


Základní info

The Shell Programming course provides students with the skills to read, write, and debug UNIX shell scripts. The course begins by describing simple scripts to automate frequently executed commands and continues further by describing conditional logic, user interaction, loops, menus, traps, and functions.his course is intended for system administrators who have mastered the basics of any flavor of the UNIX OS, such as Oracle Solaris and Oracle Linux, and would like to interpret the various boot scripts as well as create their own scripts to automate their day-to-day tasks.bLearn To:/preate scripts to automate system administration local and environmental variables.utomate tasks by using regular expression characters with the grep, sed, and nawk utilities.reate interactive scripts by using flow control constructs.erform string manipulation and integer arithmetic on shell variables.ebug errors in scripts. b Benefits to You/phe Shell Programming course provides you with the ability to identify various shells and automate system administration tasks through scripts. You learn to develop advanced scripts that involve using decision making algorithms, loops, variables, parameters and arguments lists. he course also introduces you to functions that enable you to perform repetitive tasks and the various methods to debug scripts.inally, the course concludes by imparting some initial skills at developing useful scripts to automate system administration-related tasks. Students are provided with the option to run the lab activities on either an Oracle Solaris or Oracle Linux environment.

Shell Programming Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


50 200 Kč + 21% DPH

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