Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Ed 1


Základní info

The Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully install, configure, maintain, administer, troubleshoot and upgrade Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance software and hardware.bLearn To:/pist the functions and features of the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. dentify the components and architecture of Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. nstall and configure the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. pgrade the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance software and hardware.roubleshoot the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance. erform common tasks on the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance.b Benefits To You/penefit from utilizing this first application-engineered storage system that has unique integration points with Oracle Database which automate storage tuning and data lifecycle management, reduce capacity requirements, and lower TCO.

Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Administration Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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