Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g for System Administrators (


Základní info

This course covers topics and tasks related to the administration of Oracle WebCenter Sites 11and the underlying components of the software stack within which it sits. You'll be led through an installation of Oracle WebCenter Sites 11to understand the connections between the components and how to make changes when needed.bLearn To:/pnstall Oracle WebCenter Sites 11amiliarize oneself with the WebCenter Sites file system.pdate property files.ocate and interpret log messages.erform basic administrative tasks within the editorial user interface.bExplore Product Architecture/phis course also discusses topics related to product architecture, like important file system files and database tables. You'll also explore product support, which includes examining the support tools provided for the Content Server and interpreting of the log files.

Oracle WebCenter Sites 11g for System Administrators (

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20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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