Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g for Developers


Základní info

This Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g for Developers training will walk you through the steps you need to take to build an effective enterprise Portal application. Using Oracle WebCenter Portal (, expert Oracle University instructors will help you develop the knowledge and skills to use Portal Builder and JDeveloper to build customizable applications.bLearn To:/puild portals using Oracle WebCenter Portal Builder.reate, edit, configure and manage portal pages.dd and configure task flows to integrate content from Content Server.ender a portal on mobile devices.ecure portal JDeveloper to create custom portal assets.nderstand WebCenter Portal Life a pre-built application at the beginning.reate this application and enhance it.bBenefits to You/phen you walk away from this course, you'll know how to use Portal Builder to create, edit and perform administration of areas of WebCenter Portal. You'll build the skills to use Portal Builder to create a portal, add and edit the pages of a portal in the page editor (Composer) and administer a single portal as the portal owner. If you're a system administrator, this course will show you how to access the Portal Builder administration area so you can effectively administer all portals.

Oracle WebCenter Portal 11g for Developers

Vybraný termín:


40 160 Kč + 21% DPH

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