Oracle SCM Cloud: Order Management and Fulfillment Cloud Implementation


Základní info

This Oracle SCM Cloud: Order Management and Fulfillment Cloud Implementation training demonstrates the end-to-end Order-to-cash functionality from order capture to order fulfillment. You will learn how to capture orders using web services and importing orders, while orchestrating and monitoring fulfillment across all channels using the fulfillment options.Learn To:Create and submit an order.Configure orders.Understand pricing strategy.Import orders.Create price lists.Define orchestration.Complete a portion of the setup in the application.Discuss key setup decisions and best practices.Complete a knowledge assessment quiz.Benefits to YouEnsure a smooth and successful implementation of your Supply Chain Management Cloud applications. Taking this course not only helps you better understand the core implementation tasks required to set up your applications, but also delves into the core functionalities and how they can benefit your entire enterprise. Instructional ApproachEach lesson in this course begins with your instructor presenting important concepts related to the functional setup or functionality of Oracle SCM Cloud.

Oracle SCM Cloud: Order Management and Fulfillment Cloud Implementation

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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