Oracle HCM Cloud: Recruiting Core Team Training for Talent Acquisition


Základní info

The Oracle HCM Cloud: Recruiting Core Team Training for Talent Acquisition training serves as a foundation course for a Recruiting Center implementation launch and is designed to be delivered on or near the kick-off phase of the implementation. This course gives users a good overview and exploration of the end user experience as well as guidance for decisions that will be made throughout the implementation. It includes hands-on exercises as well as decision discussion time.bLearn To:/panage candidates from submission to hire.ork with career sections.rganize initial implementations decisions.omplete the workflow of creating a requisition.bBenefits to You/phen Recruiting implementation project teams enroll in this course, which may include project managers, recruiters, staffing managers, IT analysts, system administrators, coordinators and others involved in the project, they will walk away with a deeper understanding of how to use this advanced recruiting solution to bring first class automation and efficiency to the recruiting and hiring functions.bEngage in Hands-On Exercises/py interacting with expert Oracle University instructors and engaging in hands-on exercises, you'll develop the knowledge and skills to use this solution to recruit a higher level of talent for your organization. At the end of this course, project teams, along with your Oracle consultant, will be able to make informed business decisions for your implementation.his course is appropriate for Oracle Cloud deployments.

Oracle HCM Cloud: Recruiting Core Team Training for Talent Acquisition

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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