Oracle HCM Cloud: Introduction to Configuration for Talent Acquisition


Základní info

This Oracle HCM Cloud: Introduction to Configuration for Talent Acquisition training will teach you how to navigate central and specific configuration. Expert Oracle University instructors will guide you through accessing the Oracle Customer Support Portal, defining Operation Mode and more.bLearn To:/preate user types, users and groups.ccess the Oracle Customer Support Portal.pply security settings and set user password options.ork with organization, location and job up key elements of your up system users./liccess system help and resources.ccess and navigate the Taleo System.bBenefits to You/paking this course gives you an opportunity to participate in hands-on exercises that help you apply your knowledge. Reinforce new learning about your Oracle HCM Cloud solution to leverage this solution for your business.bPlease Note:/phis course is appropriate for Oracle Cloud deployments. There will be ample time for questions and discussion.

Oracle HCM Cloud: Introduction to Configuration for Talent Acquisition

Vybraný termín:


5 020 Kč + 21% DPH

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