Oracle Application Express on Exadata Express Cloud Service Ed 1


Základní info

The Oracle Application Express on Exadata Express Cloud Service course teaches you to use the rapid web application development tool, Oracle Application Express (APEX), to develop and deploy high performance cloud applications for both desktop and mobile needs.The course is ideal for developers to obtain a primer on building web apps on a cloud database, developing RESTful web services, and migrating on-premise applications to the cloud. Lessons are reinforced with hands on labs.Learn to:Access Oracle Exadata Express Cloud ServiceCreate basic database applications by using Application BuilderUse the Oracle Application Express application data load utilityDevelop RESTFul web services with Application Express Migrate APEX applications to Oracle Exadata Express Cloud Service from on-premise Oracle databases

Oracle Application Express on Exadata Express Cloud Service Ed 1

Vybraný termín:


10 040 Kč + 21% DPH

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