Java SE 7 Programming


Základní info

This is the second of two courses that cover the Java Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7) Platform. This course covers the core Application Programming Interfaces (API) you will use to design object-oriented applications with Java.Learn To:Create Java technology applications with the latest JDK 7 Technology and the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE).Enhance object-oriented thinking skills using design patterns and best practices.Identify good practices in the use of the language to create robust Java applications.Manipulate files, directories and file systems.Write database applications using standard SQL queries through JDBC.Create high-performance multi-threaded applications.Develop applications that manipulate files, directories and file systems. Benefits to You:Boost the productivity, communication and collaboration of your organization. At the same time, reduce the cost of application ownership through more efficient development and deployment techniques. Maintain your edge by staying current with the global standard for developing networked applications. Learn to Use ExceptionsThis course will also teach you how to create classes that subclass other classes, extend abstract classes and program with interfaces. Expert Oracle instructors will illustrate how you can properly use exceptions, as well as the Collections framework.Writing Database Programs with JDBCYou'll also learn to write database programs with JDBC, as well as how to correctly write multi-threaded applications. You can utilize this course to further develop your skills with the Java language and prepare for the Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer Exam.

Java SE 7 Programming

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39 375 Kč + 21% DPH

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