IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ 8.5 Solutions Workshop


Základní info

Do you or your clients have teams of people or workgroups who can benefit from easily and effectively sharing content in a single location and working together to collaborate on problems and work activities? Do you need to use the current investments you have in repositories, directories, or servers while you build unique capabilities, extensions, or templates that can help teams of people be more productive both inside and outside the firewall? Do you need the ability to easily store and organize content such as documents, videos and media files, with the capability to authorize others to access, helping to dramatically reduce e-mail and messaging overload?

This course helps you build the technical skills to solve these concerns using IBM Lotus Quickr. It is a Web 2.0-based collaborative content offering that transforms the way everyday business content such as documents and rich media is shared and to enable more effective team collaboration. You will use the included connectors that integrate with popular desktop applications such as Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime, and Lotus Connections to help businesses manage information in a security-rich environment. We will focus on Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino and new features such as integration with Lotus Connections, Lotus Domino DAOS (Document attachment and object service) to store attachments, e-mail drag and drop, and support for local groups.

IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ 8.5 Solutions Workshop

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