Exploring IBM solidDB Universal Cache


Základní info

This is the classroom version of Instructor Led Online Course Exploring IBM solidDB Universal Cache - Instructor Led Online (3A231) and Flex Instructor Led Online Exploring IBM solidDB Universal Cache - Flexible Instructor Led Online (3N231) replaces course Exploring IBM solidDB Universal Cache ( DA230)

This course is designed to instruct you on the reasons and methods used to install, configure, use, and troubleshoot the IBM solidDB and IBM solidDB Universal Cache products.

This course also addresses the basic knowledge needed to study for Certification Exam 550.

Course Materials

The course materials address IBM solidDB Universal Cache.

Hands-On Labs

Eleven labs are included to address IBM solidDB Universal Cache.


Prepare for IBM Certification Test 550: IBM solidDB and IBM solidDB Universal Cache.

Training Path

This course is part of an IBM Training Path. Taking this course in the recommended sequence allows you to maximize the benefits from your education.

Exploring IBM solidDB Universal Cache

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