Developing Applications in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1


Základní info

This 5-day instructor-led course introduces application you to IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules business rule management system (BRMS) modules.

Through instructor-led presentations, product demonstrations, and hands-on lab exercises, you who take this course learn the concepts, architecture, components, processes, and procedures needed to develop an integrated business rule solution with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1. You will learn how to set up a business rule application based on Java or Extensible Markup Language (XML), and develop the object models required to author and to execute rule artifacts. You will also learn how to author, debug, and review the rule artifacts that are required to implement the enterprise business policies. You will also learn how to integrate the developed rule artifacts within an enterprise environment, and identify rule governance issues.

In addition, this course explains how to work collaboratively with business users, and how to enable them to independently maintain or develop rule artifacts, as well as perform tests and simulations to validate them.

The intensive hands-on lab exercises are integrated into the lecture units. They enable you to apply your newly acquired knowledge and skills with WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1. In the exercises, you will develop business rule projects, enable business rule management and validation by business users, and integrate a comprehensive business rule solution that uses IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1.

For information about other related WebSphere courses, visit the WebSphere Education Training Paths website:

Developing Applications in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS V7.1

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59 000 Kč

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